Monday, September 30, 2019

Developmental psychology Essay

Collate evidence which describes the role of the practitioner in meeting children’s needs. Practitioners can help meet the needs of children by approving the rights of children. For example (UNCRC) United Nations conventions act on the rights of the child. Which allows every child and young person inclusive set of rights. When the practitioners support the rights of children, it will benefit children by meeting their learning needs as all the setting â€Å"complete their rights and needs so all children despite religion, disability and gender have a right to quality of life.† E2: Provide information about current influence on play Different sorts of approaches to play will differ depending on the needs and age of the children involved. Help a child achieve more: is designed to make sure the quality provision of children and young people’s play and learning, no matter their race and situation. It is aimed to support children from birth till 19 and has an impact on all play based provision. Practitioners must carry out the 5 outcomes that are most important to children and young people Be healthy Forest school: A forest school is an innovative educational approach to outdoor play and learning. The philosophy of forest schools is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through positive outdoor experiences. By participating in engaging, motivating and achievable tasks and activities in a woodland environment each individual has an opportunity to develop. Forest school approaches: Wider range of physical skills that are usually developed indoors An understanding about their own natural and man-made environment E3: Provide information about current influences on the planning and provision of  learning opportunities The EYFS covers the first stage of a child’s education and development, from birth to five years old. The principles of the early year’s foundation stage are: Mathematical development – Shape, numbers, measure Creativity development – Imaginative, materials and exploring Understanding the world – World & technology, people and communities Communication and language – Speaking, understanding listening & attention Personal, social and emotional development – Self- confidence, self-awareness, handling behaviour Literacy – Reading & writing The framework of the EYFS describes how early year’s practitioners should work with children and their families to support their learning and improvement. It is necessary in all Ofsted-registered childcare setting, included maintained, non-maintained and independents schools and child-minders. The national curriculum from 5-16 years has set out specific subjects which needs to be completed during the period of time. The main subjects that are a must are English, Maths and Science. The other subjects are selected by children at secondary, the range is P.E, music, drama, , art and ICT. E4: Include examples of different theoretical models of how children play and learn Behaviourists theory is by Skinner which has stages of development: The children will repeat an experience or activity if they gain a positive experience from it. The experiences the children didn’t enjoy they will keep away from it. By doing the above, children will learn trial and error. Social learning theory is Bandura. He believes children learn by looking at the behaviours of adults and others around them, therefore they imitate what they have seen. For example practitioners are role models, who need to encourage children to learn and familiarise to good behaviour. Children learn by getting praised and encouraged by practitioners especially whilst doing an activity as this reassures children to aim higher and learn effectively. E5: Include an explanation of how observations can inform planning to meet children’s needs The practitioners observations of children help to evaluate the progress which children are making â€Å"observations help practitioners to decide where children are in their learning and development and to plan what to do.† Tassoni, P 2007 Practitioners can obtain information like what the child likes and dislikes and practitioners can plan activities according to children’s needs. The importance of confidentiality of information is necessary when the practitioner is observing the child. The observation sheet must be kept in a secure place and the practitioners have no right to discuss the observations to another person except for the child’s co-workers and parents, to ensure safety for the child and family. The practitioner needs to use the policy of Data protection act 1998 to protect personal information of a person. Planning and curriculum requires practitioners to collect information in form of assessments and observation. Making formal assessments Watching children E6: Include TWO examples of information from agencies outside the setting which may contribute to the assessment of learning needs. Health visitor works with NHS to reduce illness from children and support them to stay healthy. They observe the setting they are in and ensure there are in good condition for a child’s learning environment. Also working with parents in a partnership to encourage positive health plans to meet the needs. Examples of what health visitors do: Speech and language therapists help assist children’s needs who have a difficulty with stammer, voice problem, cleft plate and understanding language. By splitting up words into syllables, speech and language therapists support children by helping them improve in their learning and eventually â€Å"the child can develop their speech and language†. E7: Include TWO plans for curriculum activities which show different approaches to planning learning opportunities Date E8: Include information about the important of consulting with parents and others when planning and providing learning opportunities Parents/ carers may have concerns about the safety of their child, and may need to be reassured about activities their child will take part in. By involving the child’s family and practitioners in assessment and in subsequent planning. It can enhance the relationship the practitioners have with the parents/ carers by making them feel valued and included. When parents involve children in assessment it can help to show their strengths and weaknesses. It can enable to plan activities for the child that are pitched at a level for their development stage, therapy making sure that they have experience success and no failure. E9: Provide evidence of current and relevant research throughout the portfolio E2, E3, E4, D1, C1, C2, B1, A E10: Show an understanding of diversity and inclusive practice Practitioners should promote diversity within the nursery setting and celebrate all the different races. Practitioners should provide a safe and supportive learning environment, in which the contribution of all the children and families are valued. Inclusive practice is to organise collaborative classes, extra activities and group activities so all the children can take part in. Children with disabilities or not should be able to take part in activities . E11: Include references and a bibliography Books: Tassoni. P 2007 childcare + education – Pages, 36,321,54,293,97,96 Websites: Videos:

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Clashing of Wills

Conflict between generations is a common them to many novels. In the novel†Bread Givers†, by Anzia Yezierksa, the clashing of wills of two generations is one major theme. We see clashes through culture, generations, community, religion,generations, and many others. The most prominent clash of wills is that of the protagonist Sara with her father Moisha or Reb Smolinsky. Some may say that these two characters clash because of their differences. Others might say that it their similarities that cause the clash between them both. It seems that it is a combination of their similarities and their differences that cause their clash and, in fact, binds them closer than At the beginning of the novel we learn that Sara†s father has nick named her blood and iron recognizing the fact that she has a strong will. It is Sara†s strong will that causes the most of the conflict with her and her father. Sara gets her strong will and drive from her father. She is not like her sisters who follow the cultural expectations of early marriage, but she, instead, has greater ambition for her life. Sara plans to get an education which is not in her fathers plan for her life. Reb wants Sara to marry like her other sisters, and live a â€Å"holy† life according to the Torah. Sara†s will to educate herself, and Reb†s will to have Sara married is what causes the conflict in their relationship. Like Sara†s blood and iron will, Reb also is driven for his daughters to live their life according to the Torah. It is the strong will of these two characters that cause their connection. While Reb is bound to the laws and traditions of the Torah, Sara is bound to the drive to be educated or make herself a better, more successful person. One incident that exemplifies the strong will of both these characters is found at the beginning of the novel. The rent collector for the landlord comes to the apartment to collect rent, but Reb does not have the money. The two argue and Reb finally hits the collector, who is Jewish, and shouts, â€Å"I†ll teach you respect for the Holy Torah† (p. 18). Reb is then taken off to jail for assault. Then Sara decides since none of her sisters are bringing in enough money, that she would go out and make some. She buys a some fish for twenty five cents and then hit the street to sell them for double what she paid. We see by this that Reb has an iron will when in comes to his religion and the Torah, while Sara has a will to make herself a better and successful person. He strives for religious perfection while Sara strives Sara follows the orders of her father until she reaches her breaking point in the unsuccessful business he buys. Sara walks out on her mother and father, leaving behind all connections to her old life. This is her chance to start out in the world to attain her goal. This is a difficult thing for a girl to do in that time and place. She would face many bumps on her road, the greatest being resisting the old world that her family is bound to. While her sisters question her actions, they praise her for getting away from their father. Her sister Bessies says, â€Å"Thank God you had the courage to break away† (p 142). Bessie is praising her for not letting her father marry her off as he did her and his other two daughters. A long time after leaving the home Reb goes to visit Sara in her small apartment. The sight of her father is something she had longed for so she was happy to see him. She thought he would understand her because, as she says, â€Å"He had given up worldly success to drink the wisdom of the Torah† (p. 202). When in fact he came to chastise her for not accepting a marriage proposal. He feels this is her only chance to live a holy life and get into heaven. After her continued refusal and argument with her father Reb responds with, â€Å"I disown you. I curse you. May your name and your memory be blotted out of this earth† (p. 208). Sara had hoped for recognition, and even identification with her sacrifice while her father came only to shun her sacrifice. Her lifestyle, although much like his, was against his religious beliefs. This is a point were we see how the similarities between the two is what is breaking them apart. Sara says to her father, â€Å"All my selfishness is from you† (p. 206). Just like her father, Sara had given up her life to attain success through an education, but it is the education of her father that divides them. Reb sacrificed and educated himself in the Torah that tells him that a women is to be in the home. Sara is also sacrificing but, to her father, her sacrifice in sacrilege to their religion. Sara has an overwhelming will to educate herself in order to make herself a person. She sacrifices just about everything in her life in order to attain her goal of becoming a school teacher. She is willing to live alone, work and starve herself nearly to death, and give up all things other girls her age covet like going out on dates or wearing make-up. She address the sacrifice she makes within herself to her college dean, Sara says, â€Å"Why is it that when a nobody wants to get to be somebody she†s got to make herself terribly hard, when people like you who are born high up can keep all their kind feelings and get along so naturally well with everybody?†, (p. 231). Sara know that she had to become somebody else in order to attain her goal. She sees that she has to become â€Å"hard† in order to be a success. We see also in Reb a sacrifice. He has to sacrifice a life of frivolous living. He has dedicated himself to his religion, as Sara has dedicated herself to education. He acknowledges the fact that he has an obligation to live a model life. Some may say he was selfish in his dedication. This selfishness may be true but it was a selfishness that took a lot of dedication. Most could never live their lives to the letter of any law. Reb lived his life as a living example of what the Torah intended life to be. Whether we agree with it or not, his dedication is to be commended. We see that Sara and her father share many traits. They are both selfish to the cause of their own education. They both hold an intense dedication to what they set their minds to. So much so that it exceeds their need for anything else. They also have an intense connection to the tools of their dedication, in other words, their books. After Sara turns down a suitor she says, â€Å"I seized my books and hugged them to my breast as thought they were living things.† (p. 201). Reb also shows his connection to his books in dedicating a room in the small apartment just for them. Imagine, this family is crammed into a tiny apartment without room for light even, and he dedicates a room entirely to his books. We see that they both have a connection to learning that is stronger than any other. We see that the greatest divide in Sara and Reb†s relation as a reflection of the expected gender roles. Reb†s religious belief says that a women†s place is in the home and that being unmarried is sinful. A complete women to Reb is a married one while to Sara a complete women is an educated on. Reb wanted Sara married over anything else, while Sara wanted her education over anything else. They both had their own best interest at hear. Reb wanted his daughter to marry to secure a place in heaven, and Sara wanted an education to secure her place in the world. It is towards the end of the novel that we see how Sara and her father are so closely related. It is maybe at this time that Sara sees the connection as well. She comes to see how her father, like herself, had to make himself hard in order to obtain his goal of religious perfection. She says of her father, â€Å"In a world where all is changed, he alone remained unchanged-as tragically isolated as the rocks† (p. 296). She now sees how her father had to isolate and make himself hard in order to be the man he is. Sara sees that through education she is a person, and now sees that for her father to be a person he had to be the religious person. They say that opposites attract and we must, therefore, assume that likes repel. I think this is what we see with Sara and her father. They are essentially the same yet there outlook on life is different. They share a similar drive it is just their ideals that are different. Sara acknowledges that her connection would be there for the rest of their lives in the last passage of the book. She says, â€Å"I felt the shadow still there over me. It wasn†t just my father, but the generations who made my father whose weight was still upon me† (p. 297). Sara realizes that she is who she is because of her father, and he is the way he is because those who came before him. It is the burden we all bare with our families. We argue because we are so connected, and are essentially cut from the same cloth. Maybe this is why similar poles repel, it is because we see in our reflection what we don†t like in the reflection.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Criminal Investigations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Criminal Investigations - Essay Example This is in terms of reducing the time taken to deal with one case and thus avoid having a back log. The police are thus encouraged to come up with quick measures of identifying whether one is guilty. Physical evidence is also as a means of tracking down suspects. This is because the investigation process needs to identify the route used by the thief to access the building. It also helps in ascertaining the method he or she used to break the doors or windows. A person should be convicted on circumstantial evidence because it plays as a proof even in a court of law. With this at hand, the investigators have an easy time of convincing the judges that a person was involved in a crime. A suspect will also have no point of defense as all signs will be clear about the involvement in the illegal act. When investigating on a case, reasons proving that one committed a crime should lead to arrest (Tilstone & Hastrup, 2013). This kind of criteria is free and fair and even the accused cannot complain of any mistake in the process. This is also the only point of justifying the arrest. Property which was stolen and sold through the internet can be easily recovered. With the use of the transactional platforms in the internet, one can identify what was sold to who and when. Thereafter, one is required to prove that what was sold belonged to him through legal documents of

Friday, September 27, 2019

On completing your HND, you are hired as a Trainee Manager by Assignment

On completing your HND, you are hired as a Trainee Manager by Excelsior PLC, an international hotel chain. The job offers business experience, management development and future opportunities - Assignment Example When disputes arise, it would be very difficult and sometimes impossible for the parties to enforce their legal rights due to lack of evidence. In written contracts parties sign to signify commitment. If disputes arise, signed document accordingly serves as a source of information to apportion liability (Treitel, 2003). Written contracts are preferable to oral contracts when the subject matter is complex necessitating constant reference to the agreement. Online contracts also form legally binding agreements. The main benefits of online contracts are convenience and cheaper as parties save time and resources needed to meet. A party can offer inaccurate information to induce the other into action. It may later lead to the contract being void or voidable (Furmston, 2003). A valid contract was not formed. When a seller advertises prices, it is not strictly treated as a unilateral offer that can be accepted by a specified action. Instead the advertisement is treated as an invitation to treat and the seller reserves the right to sell to whoever he prefers at a higher or lower price from the stated price. Cheltenham Hotel should be ready to compensate the guest as the courts will most likely find it liable for the loss of her fur coat. The contract is on sided. The hotel is guilty of concealing the information regarding the responsibility of the guest to take care of her property. It would not be reasonable for the guest to see the small print with the warning. Downtown hotel does have a claim under the contract. Similar to the case in 2.2 above, the term limiting liability to  £10000 renders the contract one sided. Enforcing this term gives the supplier the onus to be careless with the software knowing that they cannot be forced to pay more than  £10000. A contract without limits of liability is better than the current one as the supplier is obligated to make good of any shortcomings of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Apple iPhone Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Apple iPhone - Research Paper Example This paper presents a detailed analysis of the Apple iPhone and its technology overview. In US, the iPhone was released on June 29, 2007 and people were able to buy it at Apple stores as well as AT&T Mobility. Additionally, the project of iPhone was initiated through the direction of Apple CEO Steve Jobs to Apple engineers to appear into touch-screens technology. All through that time, he was considering on working on tablet personal computers. This was in spite of getting various requests for Apple to produce another PDA. However, the development of iPhone as well as its characteristic and applications developed and released on January 9, 2007; Apple CEO Steve Jobs declared their latest product that was the iPhone. The basic release of the iPhone was done in the 2007 (iPhone scale). After that iPhone 3G was released on July 11, 2008. Apple iPhone has released in approximately eighty territories and countries. After that Apple announced the iPhone 3GS in June, 2009 (Vogelstein). The size of iPhone 3G phone is 2.31 by 0.37 inches and net weight of iPhone 3G is 140 grams. Additionally, the iPhone 3GS is having weighs 137 grams on a postal scale. Consequently in contrast, it is 3 grams heavier. The battery of the iPhone 3G is 5.25 WHr at 3.7V and the iPhone 3GS battery is 4.51 WHr at 3.7V. In addition, in the market IPone is available in two basic colors that are black and white. In the same way the memory space of this phone is available in different memory configurations. Now we can have 4, 8, 16, 32 GB of memory available inside the phone. The main screen of the iPhone is of size 9 cm (3.5 in) with liquid crystal display and touch screen. In addition, this screen offers scratch-resistant glass, as well as 18-bit color (rendering 262,144 colors). Moreover, the touch screen of iPhone is designed in a way that it can sense the bare finger, or multiple fingers in case of multi-touch sensing. The gesture and touch characteristic of the iPhone are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Designing a Training Program Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Designing a Training Program - Research Paper Example Consequently, the overall attitude and dedication of the employees along with its integration with the core objectives of the business is also important in ensuring the overall succession of the unit (Aguinis & Kraiger, 2009). Correspondingly, in this particular research focused would be levied on developing a training program for a group of 20 employees for a particular organization. In this process planning has been undertaken for providing training to 20 employees of the business in order to mitigate the prevailing issues of the workplace, which is highly required to make employees efficient in terms of their skills, abilities and dedication towards the work that they execute within the workplace. In this regard, it can be affirmed that appropriate training will be important in order to increases the capability of the 20 employees of the business especially towards attaining better operational performance along with dealing with the dynamics of the external environment. . Moreover, it has also been ascertained that training program will significantly assist these employees to reboot their skills and knowledge regarding the necessary roles and responsibilities that they will require to have to comply wi th the implementation of a new technology within the workplace. Besides, it is also the current organizational culture of the business that encourages the workforce to acquire the diversified skill in their respective task, which can be steered using appropriate training program (Aguinis & Kraiger, 2009). The training session has been carried out for two days with a formal procedure, which is deemed to be sufficient in developing specialization of knowledge for the employees. In this context, it has also been ascertained that the training secession will help the employees to develop soft skills and enhance their learning in the area of production and other operational related aspects. Moreover, method of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Managing for Innovation and Creativity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Managing for Innovation and Creativity - Essay Example Creativity and innovation are complementary values in business management. Creativity refers to an artistic outcome or result of the confluence of psychological and emotional dimension of such desire to ascertain business leverage in the market. Innovation, on the other hand, is effected only when all creative mechanism are maximized to take advantage of the rapidly changing and developing market. Innovative measures and creativity relate to some strategic process to unearth opportunities in unpredictable market. Innovation permeates the interfacing of the organization and its business environment. Such process involved planning which will detail some entrepreneurial conceptual framework; implement them and evaluate results to determine outcomes. Economists explained that every entrepreneur needs to be an innovator to see opportunities in market changes and can reinvent ways to attract customers or clients that will avail offered product or services. This are illustrated in strategie s about (a) how product’s quality is introduced to customers; (b) ideation of new method of production or service to satisfy customer’s needs, (c) developing access or opening doors in new potential market, (d) identification of raw materials suppliers who can offer competitive price for these utilities, and (d) business leadership and management as well as its expertise in managing performance. Such therefore require fundamental knowledge on management, marketing strategies and about business roles in order for a company to contribute economic growth to a nation through creativity and innovation. Meanwhile, creativity is essential in marketing activities: promotion, sell, branding, pricing and in strategically administering sales of products. This is an entrepreneurial skill that requires serious analysis in order for entrepreneurs to adapt to changes and developments. Creativity refers to what is trendy, new and the reinvented processes to challenge traditional and c ustomary business practice. It is about introducing a fresh perspective at products or services for customer acceptance and satisfaction.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Critical approaches to humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical approaches to humanities - Essay Example Human evolution of thought has redefined most of what has been written as each contemporary period interprets work from a different perspective. In order to understand meanings and interpret the writing for the intended meanings, culture must be studied and examined to give the language context. Burke (1993: 56) begins his discussion of the context of culture as it relates to the written novel by stating that â€Å"Literature explores and makes sense of the mystery of the human condition in all its varied and twisted configurations†. When literature is looked at through this perspective, it is clear that beyond the idea of the story, the revelations of plot, setting, and theme, is the underlying creation of a reflection of how human beings relate to one another and to their world within a specific cultural context. This does not discount universality or the idea that human beings are at the core, human, but it does take into consideration the idea of meaning. The meaning of a concept will be very different in one time and space than it is in another. As an example, a modern reading of Macbeth creates a sense of the fantastical, belief suspended to accept the idea of witches that give over prophesy and ghosts (although often this is considered Macbeth’s hallucination) that torment those who have acted against them in life. From a contemporary perspective, however, the idea of witches and ghosts was very real to the audience. The three witches would not require the suspension of disbelief, but would be a reflection of the contemporary beliefs of Jacobean England. This could be compared to the reception of the film The Passion of Christ during a world a thousand years from now where the religions of today have transformed or been eliminated. The belief with which viewers watch this film will not have the same context as it would in a thousand years. The study of English began with the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Assignment Example This process of accommodation is known as Homeostasis. All living things respond to a stimulus that is a given force or energy form. This energy is formed though a combination of sunlight and chemical energy. The whole process involves chemical energy that in turn lead to certain reactions. This can be related or human body can be used as specimen. As man continues with his struggle of maintaining diet, vitamins have remained one of the darlings that he always seeks. The scientists have considered vitamins as having relatively equal importance, to that of carbohydrates and proteins, in maintaining the life of man. Its importance led the scientist into studying deeply what the vitamins may comprise. This leads to the categorization of the vitamins into types depending on how they contribute to the life of man. Among the categories included vitamin c also known as ascorbic acid. The characteristics of the ascorbic acid, as a compound, contribute to its uses in the life of man. Some of the known characteristics include less stable, soluble in water, only slightly stable in acids and presence potent. Human or nature contributes to the sources of the ascorbic acid in the daily life activities. ... The following is the structure of vitamin C Ascorbic acid/isoascorbic acid exists on earth as radicals at a physiological ph. As indicated in the structure, the ascorbic acid has unpaired electrons contribute by the C atom. The differences between the two radicals occur when there is application of the electron spin technique. The compound radical forms a cyclic structure composed of hydrogen bonds between the carbon atoms and oxygen atoms, and carbon atom to HO (Kastner, 2). The hydrogen bonds surround the sodium ion in ascorbyl radical while in isoascorbyl the bonds surround the potassium ion. Both of the radicals are electroneutral especially when considering the reasoning that they comprise sodium and potassium. The presence of glutathione normally triggers the action, which alters the electronic configuration of the carbon atom back to its original value of 4 (Biophys, 207). This together with the electroneutral properties allows for the transportation through of sodium and the potassium ion through the membrane. The optimum temperature for the function of the radicals is approximately 370C while it has a neutral ph at around 7. The temperature and the ph features always occur at the physiological values. Considering the physiological conditions, there is the presence of the specific enzyme systems, which helps in maintaining the stability of balance between the two radicals (ASC and Iso-ASC) and their corresponding semi- and fully oxidized states (Biophys, 207). The balance of these two (forming the mechanism of complex redox) helps in ensuring that there are suitable physiological conditions. The unbalance between the two may form a platform for the occurrence of many diseases. Uses and application They

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Bridge to Wisemans Cove Essay Example for Free

A Bridge to Wisemans Cove Essay ‘With it’s sight restored at last, the bird jerked it’s head sideways to look at Carl and then Joy, as though it was asking, is it true? Am I free?’ James Moloney uses the image of the osprey in several ways throughout the novel. The main technique in which it is represented, is the emotion of the characters finally feeling free in there own way. The first use of the image of the osprey is shown when Carl’s mother Kerry would always leave to go on one of her ‘holiday’s’. I believe that she went on these holidays to make herself feel free. To go away for a few days and leave her real life. But in fact she was never really free. Even on her holidays she always knew that she would eventually have to come back to reality, to her children. It’s not that she didn’t love her kids, she did. Perhaps she just couldn’t handle the stress of having to raise three children as a single parent or maybe just having them around was holding her back. During the prelude of the novel an unknown women gets on board a bus. She waits out of sight and sneaks on the bus when the driver is pre-occupied. She does not have a ticket and no one knows who she is. ‘The driver gunned the engine, commanding its throaty roar and the bus pulled away from the roadhouse into the sea of darkness. Only then did the women sit up and permit herself a smile’ At the end of the novel we find out that this women was Kerry. She was on her way back to her children when the bus she was on drowned into the ocean. In the moment that Kerry died, came the realization that she knew she was finally free. Sarah, Carl’s sister also finds the courage to leave and set herself free. Free from living her own life. Since Sarah was old enough to remember she would always have to depend on herself not her mother. When her mother would leave she would have to look after Carl and Harley as though they were her own. She states in the book ‘I’m only nineteen years old. I’ve got my own life. By the time Harley’s old enough to take care of himself, I’ll be thirty.’ Although I don’t agree with the way Sarah went about just dropping Harley and Carl off at their Aunt Beryl’s, I agree that she has her own life to live and she needed to escape. Consequently, setting herself free. The image of the osprey is shown in a major way within Carl. In many ways the osprey is a mirror image of Carl, in its appearance, pain, suffering, recovery and how it is set free. The image of the osprey is remarkably similar to that of Carl’s. It was a, ‘large bird, brown and grey, its head covered by a canvas hood.’ The description of the osprey matches some aspects of Carl’s body and personality. Carl was a large boy, miserable like the colour grey and he was shy like a hood covering his head. This was because he did not want to see what people responded to his body. He was ashamed of himself and the name his family had. Although by the end of the book Carl realizes that he finally has new friends and a new family. He finds that people like him and that they ignore that he is a Matt. ‘My name is Carl Matt. M-A-T-T.’ Carl screams his name out to the world, he doesn’t care anymore. Carl was free. Free of his worries, free of his fears. He is free from the curse that everyone says he and his family has. He could let go of his sorrowful past and be alive just like how the osprey let go of its painful past and began to fly once again. The way the osprey spread it’s wings and took its first beat against the wind symbolizes the emotions rushing through Carl when he finds out his mum truly did love him and Harley. The journey of the osprey mirrored Carl’s personal life. The osprey was set free in a way that makes Carl feel alive. The image of the osprey is used to represent the characters feeling free. It mainly symbolizes as a metaphor for Carl’s life. The osprey is free from being injured by people by being nurtured from Justine and Joy. Carl was also getting injured by people. Throughout his whole life people were hurting him. Kerry, his mother, Beryl, his aunt, his older sister Sarah and kids calling him names about him weight. When he met Justine and Joy, they saved him. They made him feel alive. They set him free.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Human Resource

Human Resource Human Resource (H.R): Introduction The word â€Å"manage† as used in business can simply be defined as the art of dealing with people with the aim of bringing the best out of then so as to improve the productivity of the business. It is not easy to manage some of the things we have that have no life let alone people. People are complex in themselves and to have different people from different backgrounds to work together can prove to be very difficult. It is however possible for people to come together for a common goal. It does not matter how they are going to achieve their goal but the common thing that they want to achieve plays a very important role in taming people to put their differences aside and work together. Rothwell (2008, p.23) argues that it is mandatory for a leader in a business to be very good at people-skills for it is the people working at the business that are the most important people in the business. Without employees in a business then the business does not achieve its goals. They are the people that make things move. There is therefore no escaping people-skills if a business venture is to highly perform. â€Å"Management is nothing more than motivating other people†. These are the words of Lee Iacocca – former CEO Chrysler. It is therefore important for a manager to have some basic tips on how to manage people. It is vital that a manager delegates most of the objectives set to achieve so that he or she gets time to manage the team he or she has been given to manage. It also helps the manager to clear his or her mind. It is very important that the person who delegates has a clear head on his or her shoulders. Pearce and Conger (2002, p.41) identify that one of the most important â€Å"X factor† is team work. A strong team delivers most of the things put before it. This paper will focus on teamwork and critically analyse it on how it can be used to improve performance. When people come together, more ideas are bound to be generated, there is strength in numbers and also there is the variety being applied in order to achieve a common objective. Whenever humans come together with a common objective there is very little that they cannot do. It is important that the tem leader gets to have a one on one understanding with each of the team members so as to know the individual strengths of the team members. It is in this way that the responsibilities are divided. One does what they are good at but with the conscious awareness that he or she is only but a piece of a jigsaw, that there are others that are also specialising in their area of expertise to complete the jig saw into one complete thing that makes economic and objective sense (Michaels, 1994, p.45). The only reason a company would invest in its people is so as to enhance performance of the business. They are the key players in an organisation and should be handled with care. There are various ways in which organisations or businesses entice and build their employees so as to achieve higher quality and quantity performance. A business is judged by its outcome. It is the various people employed to work for the venture equipped with the spirit of teamwork that determine the performance of the business. It is quite clear that team work is then a very important factor as it is the ship in which if the business sails, it will never drown or subdue to the waves of furious business challenges. The winning team It is always feels good to be associated with winning. It makes one feel like they are pursuing a worthy cause. If a team is to be put together in a business then it better be a winning team. It is not enough to hire professionals who know what they are supposed to do at exactly which time to have a winning team but recruiting a group of people who will work together in the most efficient of ways. A team that has people who share the same destination work extremely well with each other. It is only when people in a team do not share a vision that they do not work well. A team is defined by the togetherness in achieving the specific goals and objectives of a business. When people share a vision then what do they have to fight over and not work together? Nothing. Differences may exist between individuals but for as long as they have a common goal then they can do anything despite their differences. In order for a team to have a common goal, then it is good practice for members to meet in order to discuss the various projects that have to be undertaken. The secret behind managing people is in a business is to make the employees or the team members feel like they coined and own the business objectives, vision and mission. Koestenbaum (2002, p.74) reveals that this will help people to have a common sense of direction. This implies that he visions, missions and objectives of a business need to have a strong base upon which, a strong team is built. Any team has problems but it is up to the team leader to be very sensitive to any slight behavioural change that would reduce the performance of the team in the long run. The team leader as a people manager should also talk to the team members and encourage them. When one is given motivation to do something, a person is performs even better as they flourish in the though that it is not only him or her that believes he or she can do it but also the team leader. There are teams made up of simple human beings like any human being but thee is always something about the teams. They have the attitude that they were born to win. An example of one such team is â€Å"Manchester United Football Team†. They believe that they are winners. When a person believes something, it is very difficult for them not to make it a reality. It is important that people managing people instil a winning attitude in their team members (Lawler et al., 2004, p.14). It goes a long way in building a strong competent team. How Teamwork affects other key performance areas This can be illustrated by a diagram which is shown below: According to Vandenberg and Lance (1992, p.156), under managing self we have several issues that are worth elaborating and they are eight in number. The very first one is the creative nature and originality of the self. Teamwork improves the ability of a person to get creative and think of ways to get out of tasks presented to him or her that are challenging. This is because the person is always trying to get out of something and always jogging his or her mind to get out of something. The person also wants to be original. It is very difficult to find unethical leadership in a person who leads a team or even the team member himself or herself. A person is always out to improve and to build the winning team so as to achieve the objectives of the business and also get to improve the performance of the team. Performance is core in teams so the self is built to consider ethics when tackling organisational challenges (Walker, 2002, p.36). It is the people around us that build us. Man is no island. People in good teams have been found to have a better way of communication and also have the character to go with this. For a good team to succeed, the members that comprise it have to be in constant communication with each other. A marriage is a good example of a team. Whenever there is breakdown of communication in a marriage then it becomes difficult for things to move. Good marriages are ones in which there is constant effective communication going on, on the regular (West, 2004, p.6). It is through teamwork that a person becomes effective in communication and also gets to know the character he or she should acquire in order to succeed in the business world. Managing people is not only about managing other people but also managing the self. Team work greatly helps in doing this. In teams, it is normal for people to make contributions that they own in order to steer their objective forward. This helps to build a person I problem solving skills which is a factor important to have in the business world. Williams and Anderson , (1991, p.604) concurs that the values of the self are also improved or built. In good effective teams, good values are encouraged as undesirable ones are normally discouraged. This helps a person to always focus on having good values whose practice leads to them sticking. Effective teams have brainstorming sessions where team members contribute in order to make the achievement of their objectives a success. This helps a person to improve their thinking capacities and also helps team members to think in a way that optimises the performance of the business (Blau, 1985, p.279). It gives the individual that deliberate way of thinking that involves thinking in a certain direction. Team members benefit by being in such teams. For a team to succeed then the personalities of the persons in it need to be on point. It is the work personality that helps team members to be able to work through their differences with that common vision in mind. When members learn the personality they need to have in order to work together they will definitely practice this as all of them want to get to the goal so bad. In life, it really matters how badly, one wants to get something as if one does not want something so badly, they will not put differences aside, they will not work hard enough and they will not value input from team members. Under managing people, there are four key areas that need to be discussed and team work is a major component or ingredient in managing people. Arbinger Institute (2002, p.9) suggests that there is team work, the diversity of people, transformed leadership and motivating people. Team work is intertwined with the three issues as it is in team work that people are motivated to push on in order to improve performance. Leadership Leadership is also transformed in team work as most of the time, it is not the team members that learn from the team leader but it is the team leader most of the time rather than not that learn from the team members (National Institute of Social Work, 1996, p.11). The members teach the leaders on hoe to lead knowingly or unknowingly. This gives birth to a new way of leading especially if the leader of a tea listens to his members. Teams can be made up of a rich diversity of people which can either be used to achieve the objectives of a business or also allow the differences that exist within to ruin the team. In International Companies, recruitment as in the type of the company is done at an international level. This means that people will be mixed from different cultures and backgrounds and also different races as well (Block, 1996, p.33). It is quite challenging building a team of people of the same background. It is quite tasking to build a team that comprises of different people. People of one background have been seen to appreciate the music from another background even when they do not know what they are saying. It is in this regard that a team leader needs to direct his team members to be able to dance to the same tune which is synonymous to achieving the same objectives of the business. Such teams come to appreciate diversity. They come to understand that people are different but sure can work together in order to achieve a common goal. Brown and Wardle (1996, p.12) argues that managing work is also another factor that is intertwined with team work. In order to manage a team then the work also has to be managed; the work needs to be kept track of. It is very important that work goes on smoothly in a team even when the management of the team has to be changed for this purpose. Managing work involves the judgement of decisions and also the ability to manage the decision. A decision can be evaluated on the basis of the results of the work that is done or the work that has been achieved in order. The team can easily be evaluated on the same based on the decisions the team made. A team can be judged based on the decisions they made. The decisions they make have to improve performance in the business or organisation (Covey, 2009, p.62). Once the decision is made, then it needs to be managed. When a decision is not managed, then it beats logic to have made the decision in the first place. It is important that team members carry follow through their decisions in order to achieve the task given to undertake. A good team is one that manages the team members well. A strong human resource management is a must in strong teams. Whenever the human resource in a team is good, there are very slim chances of a team not doing its best to accomplish whatever task that is presented before them. We have seen that people are very important and it is through people that a business gets to achieve its objectives. According to Dimma (2007, p.47), a good human resource department forming part of a team will value the employee and make that employee as reasonably comfortable as possible in order for the business to achieve its objectives. A good human resource sub team will provide incentives to persons working in their business; give them a reason to turn down job offers given by other businesses or companies. Good teams also ensure that they manage the information they have in a way to improve performance rather than sitting on information. It is the information we gather in business or in life that assist us in making decisions hence the word informed decision. It is important that a team acts on the basis that it has information. Innovation, Priority management and Objective setting are al components of managing work but also relate to team work (Harrison, 1972, p.28). It is in teams that innovative ideas, decisions and work emerge from. This is because of the team aspect. Teams also prioritise in terms of work so as not to leave important work pending for a long time than usual. It is important that a team sets for itself objectives aside from the objectives of the business so as to also have a common goal in terms of work. Team building and Team Work Companies have been seen to spend quite a lot of money so as to improve the team building skills of their employees. This goes on to show just how important team work is important in the world we live in today especially in the business world. It is essential that a manager has team building skills as it is part and parcel of managing people. It is an important part of managing people. The same people can work by themselves but achieve less productivity. A good, strong team is one in which these same people come together and work towards a goal but perform much better than when they were working on an individual basis. This is the idea behind merging. Some companies merge because together, they have more yields and perform on a different level, giving their customers higher quality of service than when the companies were doing it on their own (Iverson and Roy, 1994, p.39). This is the secret of synergy. Individuals are different but synergised so as to achieve optimum performance. In team building, there are two very important factors to consider. One factor that we have to appreciate in team building is the diversity that exists in terms of the personalities that exist and also the skills. The different people have to be in such a way that they fully exploit their potential to the last drop but again, the weaknesses of the same people are covered for by the other people‘s strengths. Their different personalities have to be in a way that they balance out. In a good team, all ideas, works and decisions in a team made by different individuals are directed to a common purpose either created within the team or the objectives of the business (Goodwin, 2005, p.91). The goals have to be clearly understood by the team members. When some team members get it while others don’t then already there is a loophole and the team is bound to fail because of a different set of goals embedded in the different team members’ minds. Team building Activities aimed at team building are very important so as to assist in the establishment of a strong team. To have a great team takes a lot of hard work, dedication and determination. Team building activities are therefore very important in that they assist in the building of a great team. It is important that a team is led by someone but not just anyone but a good leader. It may not help that a team has clearly understood the objectives, they ma have the same personality thus resulting in conflicts mostly because of fighting (Charan, Drotter and Noel, 2001, p.29). If everyone in a team wants to be a leader then we have a problem as each team member will be acting so as to show how he or she can dominate people. This has led to in-house fighting on too many an instance. There are many factors that have to be overcome to have a good team which is reason the more for team building activities to be taken seriously. There are basic techniques that have to be in place for an effective team to be built. The most obvious one is that all the team members need to have understood and clearly have the goals and objectives behind having the team and also the goals and objectives behind having the business or organisation. There also has to be a clear chain of command in that every single team member is completely aware of their duties and responsibilities and there should be no grey area in this. All the roles have to be distinct so that in the case that there is competition over a certain role then the role needs to be split into smaller distinct roles so as to avoid conflict in the team built. A team leader also needs to be able to spend time with his or her team members so as to understand the various personalities and skills he or she has in the team and also appreciate the same. When a team leader is fair, open, honest and loyal then it becomes a little bit easier to have the same back from the employees or team members. This may be summarised to leading by example. It is in team building activities that members learn how to trust each other and also be open with each other. When this is done then they work together better. The activities should have social times deliberately to prompt people to bond and share their experiences. They get to know each other better which is good for the business as this will help them accommodate each other’s faults but accentuating their strengths (Brion, 1989, p.32). This is what we want to achieve by having a team working on something. An example of one such activity is scheduling the week such that a specific day of the week is set aside so that employees or team members can share lunch. It is over this that they bond. The secret to having an effective team built is also to have the practice of involving the team members in the decision making process so that they feel like they own the decision. When one owns something, it is very difficult for them not to take care of it and watch it grow. The goal can be set in a group. The tactics to be used to undertake in undertaking challenges presented to a team are also brainstormed by the team with them being encouraged to give possible solutions. This leads to the obligated feeling of a team member since a sense of ownership has been cultivated in him or her, which leads to the commitment of team leaders to the cause of the team. There is also need to keep the lines of communication open in a team. It is through this that a team can succeed. Conclusion In today’s world, it is not so fashionable to do things on an individual basis as performance is result driven. The world expects so much from people that the only way the same expectation can be met is through team work. Most of the world’s greatest achievements have been accomplished because of team work. It is very difficult to achieve the results desired in a business single handily. It will have to be in a team. Team work is a very important aspect of business (Curry, et al., 1986, p.851). This explains why businesses always want to now if one is a team player before recruiting them into their companies. Business owners will look at a person’s history to be able to establish whether they are team players or not. It is quite normal in the global arena to find teams in businesses as people have appreciated strength in numbers. To achieve almost perfection in a business and to boost sales or improve the quality of businesses, team work is essential. It is important to have team skills whether one will eventually be a team member or a team leader (Kelley, 1999, p.63). A team leader is a leader to the extent of the performance of his or her team. A team leader is always a member of another team only on a different level. It is quite clear that the world revolves in team work. It is safe to say that the world is a family of teams; its just that they have different objectives and different personalities and skills. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Beowulf As An Epic Hero Essays -- Epic of Beowulf Essays

Every epic hero possesses certain heroic characteristics. Beowulf, like other epic heroes, possesses the following heroic qualities: epic heroes are superhuman types of beings. They have a noble birth and show great bravery. They display great intelligence and resourcefulness. They have a reverence for G-d and for the values of their society. They are dominant male figures and suffer severe pain, but in the end, they conquer evil (Vivone 9/27/99). In addition to Beowulf’s heroic qualities, he is very strong. Beowulf was said to have â€Å"the strength of thirty [men] in his mighty handgrip† (Bloom 11). Early proof of Beowulf’s extraordinary strength is evidenced by his dismemberment of Grendel’s limb, the fight in the cave under water, and the magic sword (Klaeber xiv). Beowulf partook in many supernatural battles and events. The demeanor of Beowulf is considered a main fantastic element. When Beowulf fights Grendel and Grendel’s mother, he is immo rtal. Then, suddenly, he becomes mortal and falls to the dragon (Klaeber xxiv). In Beowulf, marvelous elements are everywhere. They include a fire breathing dragon and sea monsters (Burlin 119). There are additional examples of the use of fantastic elements in Beowulf. Beowulf single-handedly carrier thirty suits of armor from the battlefield in Frisnia and swims with them through the North Sea and the Skagerrak to Geatland, a distance of five hundred miles (120). In Beowulf’s early life, he swam for five to seven days with his companio...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Approximately three to four percent of babies born every year are born with some kind of genetic disorder. A genetic disorder is described as an illness caused by an error in one’s genome, and is usually hereditary. To understand how these errors occur, one must first understand the basic concept of genes. Genes are the basic units of heredity and are made up of pieces of DNA that instruct the cell how to make specific proteins. Humans are estimated to have about 20,000 to 30,000 genes in their genome. Chromosomes contain these genes and DNA. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes or a total of 46 chromosomes. One pair of these chromosomes determines the sex of a person while the other 22 are autosomal, meaning that they determine the rest of the body’s traits, both genetic and phenotypic. Sometimes mutations occur in the genes of the chromosomes which could lead to a genetic disorder or could be perfectly harmless. Other times they happen from the chromosomes themselves i f the chromosome breaks off, switches with another part of a chromosome, or is swapped within the same chromosome. This leads to mutation in gene coding and could potentially cause genetic disorders. There are different types of genetic disorders that each cause different kinds of diseases. Genetic disorders arise from chromosomal abnormalities, single gene defects, multifactorial problems, and teratogenic problems. Chromosomal abnormalities occur when there is an anomaly in chromosome number or structure. The two main types of chromosomal abnormalities are numerical abnormalities and structural abnormalities. Examples of numerical abnormalities are monosomies which is when a chromosome is missing from a chromosome pair and trisomies which is when there is an ext... ...known as balanced translocation is when segments of chromosomes have been exchanged, however nothing is lost or added. A Robertsonian translocation is similar to a reciprocal translocation except that one chromosome attaches to the centromere of another. In an inversion, part of a chromosome has broken off, been turned upside down, and has reattached to itself. Lastly, in a ring, a portion of a chromosome has been broken off and forms circle. Usually these structural abnormalities are due to an accident in one of the gametes, and therefore are also present in all of the body’s cells. However, in some instances, these abnormalities occur after conception, resulting in mosaicism, in which some cells have the abnormality where others do not. In general, chromosomal abnormalities are either inherited or be â€Å"de novo† which means they are new to that specific individual.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Chinese language and literature Essay

Chinese is a unique language. Anyone who learns it will find it difficult to really understand and master the language if he/she does not completely cast away the habits and concepts acquired from his/her mother tongue or other foreign languages. Chinese is a language of great international importance in the present world of globalization. Modern Chinese (also known as Mandarin, Pu Tonghua or Guoyu) is spoken in the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, and increasingly so in Hong Kong. It is one of the four official languages in Singapore. There are significant communities of Mandarin speakers in Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, the USA, Mongolia, Vietnam, Brunei, South Africa, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, the UK and Mauritius. Mandarin is spoken by about 1 billion of people all over the world. It is also one of the five official languages of the United Nations. The communicative unit of Chinese is the sentence. Sentences in Chinese are quite different from those in other languages. During communication, certain parts of a sentence may often be omitted. This is one of the differences between Chinese and other languages. The language and script of the Chinese language belongs to the ‘Sino-Tibetan’ family. Chinese is also described as a tonal language, which means that a syllable generally is pronounced with a characteristic tone. On the whole Chinese lacks the inflections (suffixes, prefixes) that are characteristic of many other languages. While foreigners are under the impression that Chinese characters are countless, the fact remains that even China does not have anyone capable of mastering all the characters. The Kangxi dictionary of 1716 contains 47,000 characters whereas the Chinese dictionary of 1986-90 contains 56,000 characters. In fact there are only 3,000 characters which are often used. Other than being a language it is used for writing and keeping records. Chinese also has a great value in the field of calligraphy and is greatly appreciated as a work of art. Over the vast area throughout which Chinese is spoken, there are many different dialects. Some of which are mutually unintelligible. Chinese characters are the symbols used to write Chinese. Chinese characters developed more than 3000 years ago out of ideographs. Some of these are still in use today. Every Chinese written character represents a one-syllable word. Many Chinese words, however, are compounds composed of two or more characters. In these compounds each character contributes a meaning to the total concept. Modern Chinese characters fall into two categories: One with a phonetic component, the other without it. Majority of those without a phonetic component developed from pictographs. Characters of this type which do not contain phonetic components account for only a small proportion of all Chinese characters, but many of them are in common use. Most of the Chinese characters contain a phonetic component that tells the pronunciation and an idea component that indicates something of the meaning. These idea components are also called radicals and are often written on the left-hand side of the character. There are more than 250 radicals. The phonetic component is often a character in itself. If one knows the pronunciation of the character it is based on, one can know the pronunciation of many characters in which that component is used. One of the unsolved problems of â€Å"pinyin† is that some characters, though written differently and with different meaning, sound the same. However, usually one can tell from the context which one to use. The tone of a Chinese word is just as important as it s pronunciation. This aspect of speaking Chinese is the most difficult for English speaking people to learn. In English, the tone of a word varies with the mood of the sentence; in Chinese, the tone stays the same whether the sentence is a question, exclamation or a simple statement. The Chinese written language is an ancient and unique writing system with a history of 6000 years. There are a total of 60,000 characters, of which only 3000-4500 are frequently used. Ancient Chinese characters evolved from pictures. Each Chinese character is composed of various strokes. These strokes are basically straight lines. From top to bottom and left to right are the main directions. There are eight basic strokes used for writing Chinese characters. These strokes are used in a certain order to write Chinese characters. In the past few decades standard language has gradually been formed based on the language of the norm with Beijing as the norm and a grammar modeled on modern vernacular writing. This language is called ‘Pu Tonghua’ and is gradually being popularized. It will eventually become the form of spoken and written Chinese in universal use. b) Discuss the ways in which Chinas language and literature reflect other aspects of Chinas culture such as kinship, art, politics, religion, economics, and the Chinese world view in general. A Chinese name is composed of two parts – a surname and a given name. The surname comes first, followed by the given name. Most surnames are monosyllabic. The most common surnames are Zhang, Wang, Li, Zhao and Liu. There are a few disyllabic surnames such as Zhuge, Ouyang and Shangguan. Given names can be either monosyllabic or disyllabic.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How to succeed in the first semester: Guide for the freshman Essay

Succeeding in a freshman’s first semester is a challenging task as it presents a whole new level of academic inquiry, excitement, adventures, and challenges. The independence acquired in college is never an assurance that it would be a smooth sailing. Rather, it would give the student a topsy-turvy ride and the first semester is a whole big loop that is with more twirls than the rest of the journey.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are certain steps that a college student may take to ensure that the first semester will do well as this would determine how far a student could go in the next years and semesters to come. Though this would not bring magic but, at the very least, it would help in making the students see this experience as an exciting one.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   First, one should be able to discipline oneself with regard to matters relating to academics. The act of attending to classes is important and strict adherence to such would contribute towards academic achievement. One should look at the classes similar to that of a favorite television series. Once the student misses one episode, he/she misses out on the opportunity to learn what was taught in the class, is unable to participate in the class discussion, losses the opportunity to interact with his/her fellow students, and does not have the chance to earn points on pop quizzes and recitations. In addition to all these, there would be some difficulties following the next lecture especially if the past and present lectures are related. Second, be familiar with the rules and guidelines maintained by the university or the college. These are the things which would serve as the general guide of the student in surviving through college. It is important to familiarize oneself with these and ensure that it is fully understood. These rules are to be seen simply as recommendations made by the university as they would want their students to become the best they could ever be. These are not punitive or a prison that should be followed strictly. Rather, these are things that would make life easier and would maintain peace and order and understanding between the faculty, the students, and the staff. Third, know the right time to study and know when is the right time to reward the self for a job well done. It is helpful to have good study habits because the regularity of events would make learning easier and recall of ideas a lot faster. Being prepared for anything, even without any quizzes, exams, or graded recitations, would facilitate the discussion of the future lessons and would even be helpful for long exams as it has already been read. In doing so, one would only have to scan the required readings and lecture notes and would also have the time to relax and rest the mind a day before the examination. Just as much as you would work hard in studying, it should be the same for the reward for doing all the hard work. It would also serve as a good motivation when the mind and the body could not keep up with the difficulty of the task or when boredom hits. For a short-term reward, it would be good to reward the self with a movie and a sumptuous dinner after an examination that was passed with flying colors. On the other hand, a long-term reward would have to be an expensive item that one longs to have when a certain average is met. However, one should also remember the expenses needed for such and this is where discipline would come in again for saving money for the rewards. Lastly, meeting people and making good friends would make the experience a lot better. This is because of the fact that friends who go through practically the same subjects as you do would make the burden lighter by having someone understand you and would lend a helping hand a listening ear.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Primary Education Essay

The Government of India in 2001 launched the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), a nationwide programme to provide universal primary education, thereby encouraging secondary education also. The Center passed The Right to Education Act in 1 April 2010, which guarantees free and compulsory education to every child in the 6-14 age groups. But, the lack of awareness on the requirement of pre-school education & operational challenges including the availability of quality teachers are some of the issues that still limit the widespread benefits from the government act. Though the number of institutes has gone up significantly since then, but most of them provide an average education. Many state-funded schools in India lack even the basic infrastructure. In fact the quality of education, especially in remote villages, is very dismal. The quality of teaching in elementary schools is not up to the mark. Teacher absenteeism is widespread, teachers are not adequately trained and the quality of pedagogy is poor. One of the major challenges is the diminishing inclination of youth towards the teaching profession. The low salary base, lack of incentives and a lethargic job with less of dynamism have made the profession a last resort for the youth. Also, the profession has lost the level of respect that it deserved. Nowadays, it is only been seen as a supplementary income, and they keep trying to enhance their qualification, till they get into a better job. While there is immense shortage of primary and upper primary schools, there are some schools in many parts of the district where a single teacher is taking all classes from 1-5. As per RTE Act norms, the ratio of teacher and students should be 1:30 in primary schools and 1: 35 in upper primary schools. But, past 2 years since the enactment of the RTE act, there is a shortage of 1. 2 million teachers in India. This gap has led to lack of interest in the students too, which led to decline in the enrolment and also shift towards tuitions. Key national highlights by ASER report 2009 * The percentage of all rural children in Std 5 reading text at Std 2 level shows a decline from 56. 2 percent in 2008 to 52. 8 percent in 2009. This means around 40% of all rural children in Std 5 in India are at least three grade levels behind based on their level of learning * In math, for children in Std 5, the ability to do division problems has hardly increased. From 2007-09, for children in government schools the ability has actually declined from 41 percent to 36% * In Government Schools, 17. 1 percent students take private tuitions, and it rises to 30. 8 percent by the time they reach standard 8th * In private schools more than 25 percent students take private tuitions from standard 1 itself. Some of these challenges can be overcome by adopting Innovative teaching/ learning methods to achieve the desired quality: For high quality education throughout, India needs to focus on strengthening nation wide network, which would provide equal quality education to all students, including the students from the rural areas and villages, irrespective of the type of school. New methods of delivery would enable to augment access, quality and improve delivery at various levels of education and also to bridge the gap between the faculty requirements and their availability. Information, Communication and technology (ICT) tools such as videos, television and multimedia computer software that combine text, sound, and colourful, moving images can be used to provide challenging and authentic content that would engage the students in the learning process. ICTs can also be used to improve access to and the quality of teacher training. Some international examples in this regard are: * Cyber Teacher Training Center (CTTC) in South Korea is leveraging on Internet to provide better teacher professional development opportunities to in service teachers. The government-funded CTTC, offers self-directed, self-paced web-based courses for primary and secondary school teachers * In China, large-scale radio and television-based teacher education has for many years been conducted by the China Central Radio and TV, University, the Shanghai Radio and TV University (RTVU) and many other RTVUs in the country. Some progressive approaches the Indian education sector has adopted * Eight hundred and fifty schools in India use Tata Sky Active. Besides over a million Tata Sky homes spend more than INR 30 every month to buy services such as Active English, Active Learning and Active Wizkids. * Activity based learning – * Katha: A Initiative involving Amar Chitra Katha characters to impart education to school children * Hey Math: Content providers are selling different school fundamentals as a learning package to children. Initiatives are now in place to sell science packages * Campus-Connect Programs – Governments are having partnerships with training schools for vocational training, like Government of Delhi and IndiaCan have partnered to impart English education to bus drivers * Voucher Schools – * A school voucher or education voucher is a certificate issued by the government which parents can apply toward tuition at a school * The government of Rajasthan has announced two schemes that use school vouchers- Gyanodaya for classes 6-12 and Shikshak ka Apna Vidyalaya for classes 1-5. Trends in Education Sector in Pre-school: Trends| Examples:| Entry of Big Corporate| * Many corporate houses have / are planning to set up their own chain of pre-schools – Pre schools are viewed as attractive investment opportunities due to the growth potential. * For e.g. Alphakids set up by Camlin group and Globe Tot’ers by Yash Birla Group, P&G’s flagship Corporate Social Responsibility Program Shiksha. | Joint Ventures with Builders| * Increasingly preschools are forming joint ventures with builders. Partnering with builders helps in imparting flexibility in the business against high lease rentals * AEZ group and Mothers Pride entered into a JV for a Preschool| Upgrade to K 12| * Preschool chains are moving up the value chain by upgrading to K-12 schools to ensure scalability  for preschool firms * Kidzee, Euro Kids and Kangaroo Kids are upgrading to K-12 school and a large majority of their preschool population is expected to be the potential customers for K-12| Expansion to Tier I & Tier II Cities| * Demand and affordability is increasing in small towns with the growing awareness among people about the need to send children to preschools. * Euro kids plans to add 1000 pre schools in medium term with Tier II and Tier III cities as growth drivers| Leveraging Infrastructure foreconomic viability| * In order to maximize space utilization, preschools are leveraging the existing infrastructure to generate additional revenues * Additional programmes are being offered in the same premise in order to allow higher utilization of the infrastructure|.

Belonging Essay

Belonging, in essence, refers to the notion associated with the connections individuals make with people, groups and places. Conversely, by belonging to a certain group or place others are indirectly excluded from belonging in the process. Belonging is a connection that we all, as humans, instinctively seek out; it forms part of our natural behavior. Through this process of belonging we ultimately conform and grow as a person, the outcome through which is our place in society is established. The Immigrant Chronicle† by Peter Skrzynecki illustrates how difficult finding a sense of belonging can be by raising the issues experienced when attempting to assimilate in a new cultural environment with all the associated physical, personal and social changes. Similarly, Jeffery Smart’s painting â€Å"The New School† and the short film ‘Mr Cheng’ explore how barriers can hinder our sense of acceptance and belonging. Though it is an innate need to belong it is not always achieved. This idea is accentuated throughout â€Å"In the Folk Museum† as the composer struggles to relate to a history and culture which is not his own. The visit highlights his inner conflict of not knowing where he belongs. He does not feel like a ‘true’ Australian who may look at such ‘relics’ and see cultural significance to them and understand their historical value. Rather he views them in a detached sense â€Å"To remind of a past/ Which isn’t mine†. The poet uses a faceless caretaker as a representative of Australia’s past. She sits next to a â€Å"winnowing machine† an agricultural machine that separates grain from chaff, creating a metaphor for separating the ‘true’ Australians from new migrants. The poet illustrates the caretaker as dull and uninviting, matching her hair colour with the grey clay bottle that is in the museum; causing them to appear be made from the same entity adding to the composers discomfort and estrangement. The composer emphasises his lack of belonging by describing the colour of the museum as well as its â€Å"cold as water† touch showing the disconnection and isolation the composer experiences. The poem reinforces this idea, when the composer is asked to sign the visitor’s books emphasising that he is only a viewer of the Australian history rather than a part of it. Likewise â€Å"St Patrick’s College† also portrays the need to belong; however, it reveals that belonging does not always come naturally despite his mothers attempt to find a way to connect through uniform and the schools reputation. The poet explores this attempt to belong in the third stanza by the stress of â€Å"eight years† passing by and yet he is still â€Å"Like a foreign tourist, Uncertain of my destination, Every time I got off. † The poet reinforces this idea again by the repetition of time in the start of the fourth stanza, establishing that no matter how long, he is still not able to belong. Despite the use of uniform, it is evident that it is only a facade, used in order to create an illusion of belonging. It is not the uniform that binds students together, but rather a unique connection shared with individuals and place. (Link to question here and back to thesis). Jeffery Smart’s painting â€Å"The New School† establishes that although belonging is an innate need, it is not always achieved. Smart is described as a social commentator, a witness to the alienated city dweller or worker in a dehumanized landscape. Elements of his paintings are taken from real places but they are modified and generalised. The effect is that he creates universal scenes which could be renderings of any large modern city rather than being anchored in Australia or Europe. The concept of isolation is shown through the individual’s body language and placement of the hands as well as positioning in the painting. She is distant from the other students, as well as the school, showing she does not fit, emphasising her disconnection and lack of belonging. Jeffery Smart also creates a negative feel through the dark colour of the sky and the sadness the girl displays through her facial expression, showing the difficultly to belong and how the individual feels isolation as she has no connection with these people place or groups. Similarly â€Å"In the Folk Museum†, the composer feels alienated not being able to relate to the Australian culture and history. The poem initiates feelings of isolation and disconnection as the poet questions himself and his place in society as he does not experience a link with the history viewed. Both â€Å"St Patrick’s college† and â€Å"The New School† relate to a place and a lack of belonging. Smart furthermore highlights the struggle to belong by the vectors in his painting. This is shown by the lines of the basketball court, fading as they progressively near the individual, emphasising the student’s estrangement from the school. In the same way Mr Cheng experiences a lack of belonging through the vectors employed by the director, as images of his family appear however they fade emphasising his uncertainty of where he belongs. The director revisits the idea of isolation, illustrated through the severed family connections that Mr Cheng has suffered. Mr Cheng’s alienation is echoed throughout the piece as the director emphasises his exclusion throughout the film through Mr Cheng’s portrayal as being secluded from society. This struggle is shown by the projections of his memories on a brick wall throughout the film, creating a metaphor, representing the wall as a barrier, showing that although he possesses these memories he is blocked from accessing his true identity. Peter Skrzynecki’s, ‘The Immigrant Chronicle’, allows one to see the difficulties the poet, as a second generation migrant; experiences, this being, the dichotomy of belonging to a culture which is not his own and the feeling of estrangement from his parents’ culture. This concept is also shown through Jeffery Smart’s painting ‘The New School’ as the individual struggles similar to that of Mr Cheng to relate to an environment which is unfamiliar.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Low Molecular Weight Heparin

Low Molecular Weight Heparin Paper Low molecular weight heparin is typically used for patients who need to be treated for deep vein thrombosis. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot (thrombus) in a deep vein usually in the legs. These clots are dangerous because they can break loose, travel through the bloodstream to the lungs, and block blood flow in the lungs (pulmonary embolism). There are many reasons why clots form in a patient.Mainly when a patient is inactive or bedridden for long periods of time, surgery can damage a blood vessel so a clot can form, or even cancer can cause DVT to form. Treatments for DVT are drugs called anticoagulants that can prevent the blood from clotting thus preventing the adverse effects from a clot. Low molecular weight heparin works by binding to a substance called antithrombin III (which is the major inhibitor of thrombin in the blood). The overall effect of heparin is that it turns off the coagulation pathway and prevents clots from forming.I t can be used as a subcutaneous injection which can be given in an outpatient setting with no increased risk of recurrent thromboembolism or bleeding complications. Since most patients with DVT require one or more diagnostic tests, treatment with intravenous heparin and a three to seven day hospital stay thus making low molecular weight heparin a better alternative. (aafp. org1999) However, with low molecular weight heparin, being a subcutaneous injection makes the process easier for the patient since they do not have to spend all that extra time in the hospital.The ultimate consequence of a blood clot can be stroke or heart attack so prevention of these events is the consequence of this drug. Unfortunately, just like many other drugs there are some serious side effects to taking LMWHs. They are contraindicated with patients with an indwelling epidural catheter; they can be given two hours after the epidural is removed. If it is given before the epidural is taken out then they have found it to be associated with epidural hematoma. Bleeding is the main concern when taking anticoagulation therapy.Some of the other common adverse effects to heparin are hematoma, nausea, anemia, thrombocytopenia, fever, and edema. There is a low chance for side effects with monitoring and patient awareness. When evaluating a patient on anticoagulants the nurse needs to ensure patients know the side effects to be aware of and arrange follow up care. Cranberry juice should be avoided since it can affect the INR results. Patients should seek emergency medical care for injuries, particularly a head injury, due to the hemorrhage risk.As a nurse you need to monitor your patient while on these drugs because of the bleeding factor. (nursingtimes. net2012) References Gee, Emma. (2011) How to look after a patient on anticoagulant therapy. January 22, 2011 Retreived from www. nursingnet. net on July 2012 Lilley, Rainforth Collins, Harrington, Snyder. (2011) Pharmacology and the Nursing Proce ss Copyright 2011 Mosby Inc. Rydberg, J Eric MD. (1999) Low Molecular Weight Heparin in Prevention and Treating DVT Retrieved from www. aafp. org

Friday, September 13, 2019

This essay needs to be revised by grammar Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

This needs to be revised by grammar - Essay Example In his work â€Å"Animal Rights vs. Human Rights,† Edwin Locke declares that only creatures that possess the capability of thinking, reasoning and the capacity of making choices have rights. (1) He thus makes his stand very clear against the rights of animals. On the other hand, this viewpoint is strongly opposed by Tom Regan, who is a famous philosopher providing arguments for the provision of rights to the animals. In his work, â€Å"The Rights of Humans and Other Animals,† Tom Regan points out a few characteristics for having rights which mainly include rational autonomy and sentience. (17) However Regan gives up on rational autonomy shortly and opposes with Locke. The other controversy that exists between Regan and Locke is the point that whether animals have a moral community like humans or they do not form. To search for a link between characteristics and rights can be classified as not being moral and neither is it a respectful behavior towards other beings. To s tart with, rational autonomy is the capability of thinking, reasoning and making choices. By rational autonomy creatures have the capacity to decide the consequences of their actions. Locke claims that animals do not need rights owing to the fact that they do not reason and nor do they take decisions which will have an effect on their lives. Also, he argues that animals are instinctual and do not have the capacity of thinking as humans. Thus there is no strong justification according to Locke for the provision of rights to animals. On the other hand Regan argues that animals are not instinctual, they are living creatures and are capable of thinking just like humans. However, it is very clearly known that not all of the animals have rational autonomy and the same implies for humans as some of them also do not possess rational autonomy. If only creatures that can think or reason and make choices have the rights (Locke 1) then too many people and animals will be excluded from this grou p. Thus rational autonomy cannot be a criterion of having rights. Regan analyzes this problem and hence disapproves with Locke’s point of view. Locke asserts that rights are vital for humans, because the rational autonomy of human beings is the key element to lead a better life. Human beings need to think and make choices for choosing a path to live their lives. Locke claims that humans need rights for protecting their thoughts and themselves from other people. Thus he asserts that as long as animals are not rational they do not need rights for protecting themselves. In opposition to the justification of Locke, some animals which include dolphins, pigs are more intelligent than infants as well as mentally handicapped people. Regan argues that if rational autonomy is a criterion then these human beings would also be left out and they would also be excluded from the group of people who should be granted rights. Regan then expresses that sentience is an important characteristic for having rights. Having sentience is ability to feel pain and pleasure. By the implication of sentience as a measure for the provision of rights, all human beings irrespective of their mental state would have the approval of being granted rights. At the same time, the quality of sentience would make animals and humans equal as both of them possess the capability of sensing pain or pleasure and hence they would both deserve rights in an equal manner.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

British Constitution Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

British Constitution Master - Essay Example This is who we are," said Mr Brown..I will stand up for British values. I will stand up for a strong Britain and I will always stand for you" British constitution has never been an absolutely rigid constitution. It establishes the fundamental laws and judicial review of legislation and administrative law is not totally bifurcated from constitution law. "A distinction is commonly drawn in continental countries between constitutional law and administrative law; but because English law is not codified or officially systematized, English jurists have found difficulty in determining the distinction" Jackson, Hood and Leopold (2001, p.9). The British constitution and the constitution law, definition of both are rather controversial, though the scope is unlimited because it covers all aspects of the relationship between individuals and authorities. Fundamental law of the state does not remain unalterable, and British constitution is the result of constitutional conventions as the constitution still stands unwritten. It declares Parliamentary Sovereignty (now with the European dimension), with autonomous power to the judiciary, which could sometimes, momentarily thwart any government effort1. Then Britain has to reckon with the EU and the connected laws, where most of the British laws were undermined and become subordinate to the EU laws. European Court of Justice can overrule all the acts of the Member Countries and the Courts in every member country, including Britain are asked to uphold the EU justice. In Britain this has become an issue of contention that Community law could override national laws. There are argume nts that British/People's/Parliamentary sovereignty is undermined and Constitution has lost its place. The limited sovereignty of the Member States still remains a difficult issue to gulp down not only in Britain, but also in many other member states. In addition, European Convention on Human Rights singed in 1950 could be considered as another encroachment in the national sovereignty. The decisions of the Court of Human Rights no doubt, are not directly enforceable depending on the circumstances; but it is coming closer. With the threat of home grown and external terrorism, Temporary Provisions are added into Prevention of Terrorism Act, 1989, might encroach individual rights in more ways than one. "Although constitutional theory tightly binds legitimacy and power with Parliamentary accountability, accountability and impartiality are considered to be increased by excluding certain functions from the constraints and influence of ministerial responsibility" Flinders (2002, P.17). Another issue that could threaten the constitution is the status of parliamentary sovereignty in Scotland, and the Queen's status was disputed on a few occasions2. Treaty and Acts of Union have been contested and the confusion still persists. "At any rate, with this possible, but unclear, exception for Scotland, the principle of parliamentary sovereignty in the United Kingdom remains probably the most basic tenet of our constitutional law," Yardley (1995, p.25). Under the British Constitution, even though Parliament is supreme, House of Lords, represented by hereditary and created peers continue to exist. The twelve Lords of Appeal

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Infectious Disease found in the Developing World Research Paper

Infectious Disease found in the Developing World - Research Paper Example It is described as an obligate parasite with humans as its natural reservoir. Salmonella typhi is a gram-negative bacterium from the family Enterobacterioceae. It is a â€Å"multi-organ pathogen that inhabits the lymphatic tissues of the small intestine, liver, spleen, and bloodstream of infected humans† (Pollack, 2003). It does not usually inhabit or infect animals and the bacterium is most common in developing nations where sanitation is poor and there is limited supply of antibiotics. It is also described as a motile and facultative anaerobe which is very much susceptible to the action of antibiotics. There are about 107 strains of this bacterium which have already been isolated. Many of these strains have different metabolic characteristics and degrees of virulence; some of them are multi-drug resistant. Scientists studying this bacterium narrate that it contains the typical endotoxin expected of Gram-negative microorganisms as well as the Vi antigen which usually increase s the virulence of the bacterium. It is also known to excrete ‘invasin’, a protein that lets non-phagocytic cells take the bacterium, and later enables it to live inside the cell. This ‘invasin’ sometimes also prevents the oxidative burst of leukocytes, thereby preventing the innate immune response to the bacterium (Pollack, 2003). Typhoid fever is transmitted through the oral-fecal route. It is transmitted orally through food which is handled by an individual who frequently sheds the salmonella typhi bacterium through his stool or sometimes through his urine. The hand-to-mouth transmission is also possible â€Å"after using a contaminated toilet and neglecting hand hygiene† (Brusch,, 2008). It may also be transmitted through sewage contaminated water ingested by humans. Shellfish which is taken from contaminated water, raw fruits and vegetables which are fertilized with contaminated sewage are also possible contaminants. High incidence rates are